deep house cleaning services, Housekeeping services, house cleaning services

6 Ways To Make Your House Look Cleaner Than It Is

Most of us don’t have the time to deep clean our house. This can be even more worrisome if you are expecting guests soon, and making time for a vacation but not for cleaning always makes us feel guilty, doesn’t it? Deep cleaning services by professional solve that problem.

Below are a few tricks you can use to make your house look cleaner until you find time to hire house cleaning services.

Get a wire bin

No matter how clean our desks are, the innumerable chargers and cables will always make it look like a mess. Get a cheap wire bin to dump all your chargers so that you can call your desk organized!

 Dump drawers

Let every person in your family have a dump drawer. This way they can throw all their knick-knacks in there until they find a place for everything. This will help your home look much more presentable.

Dusting the black and whites

Black and white objects are the first ones to attract dust. Be sure to dust them up regularly for a clean and perfect appearance. Use a dry cloth instead of a wet one or it’ll attract dust immediately.

Mirrors and windows

Sprinkling a little water on mirrors and windows and only wiping stains will help you get done with these objects faster. Moreover, clean windows will make your house look brighter and better.

Get lots of trays

This is a tip given by everyone who has worked for a deep cleaning service! Keeping a tray on every slab and putting all other items in it will make everything in your house look super organized! This is a tip you’ll be using for years to come.

Perfect bedding

A bed is the first thing anyone looks at. If your sheets and blankets are crisp and laid well, they will make everything around your room look good! It’s the fastest and best trick. Try it to see the effects yourself.

All of us have extremely busy routines in this fast-paced world. These are just some tricks that will help your house look cleaner and make you happier. While these are great, they aren’t the permanent solution. The upcoming housekeeping services in Delhi NCR are masters when it comes to cleaning everything in your house within a day and letting it shine.

Home Cleaning Service

Choosing a Better Home Cleaning Service

Whether one is an owner of a business or a home, cleaning is always an issue that needs to be done and produces few volunteers to carry out the tasks. Smart management opts to out-source the everyday, menial and thankless chores that seem to go on forever. The problem is who can one trust to protect valuables as much as expected while doing a job worthy of the invoice the house cleaning service generates? The big question here is really whether to go with a professional team or a local group to handle the job. There are advantages and disadvantages to both when it comes to home cleaning service

For many, house cleaning services are a major priority. In the case of a business, a dirty or clean workplace reflects on the brand. No one likes a messy office, no matter what the product is being sold. Even car repair shops and gas stations try to offer a storefront that is clean. Potential clients may choose to work with your competitor over you simply due to the lack of cleanliness (which translates to a lack of organization). In this case, a franchise may be the best bet. They are generally reliable and do an excellent job. However, to get this superb service, one will pay considerably for it.


These housekeeping services companies want a fixed schedule and a fixed price. In other words, they want to be paid every month without fail. Many will even require a contract, as well. Just like with most things in life, you get what you pay for and in this case, it will be a clean office that reflects well on your company.

For homeowners, cleanliness is a reflection of you but in a lesser manner than with a business. People expect that a successful business needs to be able to afford to clean. In the case of homeowners, friends and relatives offer a certain amount of grace and understanding to a messy home but only to a point. After that, the gossip and finger-pointing begin. If home cleaning services are needed, then who to hire becomes a question of how important is your image to the world. If it is exceptionally important and you cannot do it yourself, then hiring professionals to perform the work may be the best solution. Maids will reliably show up on time and clean everything.

Choosing between a professional house cleaning service and a local housekeeping service company is a difficult choice. Professional cleaners offer reliability, while local companies offer flexibility. As far as the cost is concerned, professional cleaners are usually more expensive and require a contract but when weighing the hidden costs of having a reputation of being unclean, it may not cost as much as originally thought.

Housekeeping services in Delhi, Noida and Gurgaon

Hiring a cleaning service is financially viable?

We all have been subdued by the amount of mess the kids and our partners are capable of. And the work is never-ending. From cleaning the curtains to maintaining the utilities in place, it can just get tiring. How about a cleaning service that does the work for us? Will it be professional or will it fit our budget? These questions always come to our attention leaving us with little to no help to pick the right one that just suits our needs. Get housekeeping services in Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida with Dirtsmash

Hiring cleaning services might not come cheap but the results can give any homemaker a stress-free day but also a lot of time in hand for things that need your full attention and time.

Reduces Stress:

While the ‘family comes first ideology’ works every time, when it comes to cleaning, everyone seems to be busy. Maybe your spouse has a cleaning OCD. Or your in-laws always have something to say about your living conditions. These remarks leave us with a cold and heavy heart. While doing everything right professionally, we fail at personal cleanliness. Cleaning the car right before an urgent pick up can be taken care of by car cleaning services instantly, leaving you with little to worry about.

Hiring a cleaning service reduces our day to day stress related to households and leaves us with ample time to focus on our family needs. That makes you a perfect parent and an effective employee.

Time is money:

Even though these housekeeping services don’t come cheap, that gives you ample time at hand for projects that will fetch you more money. In short, a creative professional would invest more time in his projects rather than the mess that can literally take the whole weekend to clear up.

Let’s say you earn 40k per month and you give out 5k of your budget to the cleaning service. Now you can have the weekend to yourself for other outings or meetings. It’s always a win-win situation for everyone.

Limited Disruptions:

While a clean office eases the flow of movement and improves the chances of finding the right things at their place, an unorganized office can make everything difficult. Before a new task could be performed, space disrupts and reduces our efficiency and causes a distraction. Office cleaning services get us on top of things we need to be rather than getting bogged down by the weight of the files unattended. Even though most of us get accustomed to the clutter, subconsciously it takes up almost an hour looking for a single important instrument in our space.

Home Cleaning Tips for Dog

Home Cleaning Tips For Dog Owners

A dog is just like a child, it is loved but it is a huge responsibility. One must make sure that their house is free of any hazards. At the same time, you don’t want your dog to take over your house, and spread infections. Here are a few tips on how to keep your home cleaning on point!

Cleaning for the dog

Cleaning for the dog isn’t a tough process but sure is a time consuming one. You must start by making sure that all the food products in your kitchen are the top shelves or in inaccessible places. Moving on from that, one also must make sure that no hazardous objects are on the floor. Housecleaning services in Gurgaon claim that dogs usually get aggressive staying in apartments and thus are more likely to chew on anything they see.

The dog must have a clean and hygienic play and sleep area along with a food bowl that is cleaned every day. An important part most us miss out on is a dog-friendly disinfectant. It is likely that your dog will be licking the floor while it is being cleaned. This makes it extremely important to buy dog-friendly products.

Cleaning for yourself

Problem 1: Dog hair

It is likely that your dog will shed hair all over your home. One easy solution for hair on sofas and mattresses is using a lint roller. The lint roller is easy to use and will gather most of the hair in one go. It is suggested that you get a vacuum cleaner to clean up hair on the floor, as it would be the most through.

Problem 2: Dog Smell

This is the most common problem that comes along with dogs. You feed and shower it regularly but the smell stays in your home. Baking soda is an easy solution for getting rid of the smell. It works for furniture as well as for clothes. You can use baking soda in an air freshener, with detergent or in a sponge. You may also use it along with a dry shampoo for your dog.

Problem 3: Dog urine

You love your dog but you also love your home. There will be times where the dog will pee inside your apartment and you will just have to scrub it off. A tip given by house cleaning services in Delhi is to use a lemon and brown sugar spray. It will get rid of the stain as well as the odour.

Problem 4: Broken items

Having a dog in your home makes it more prone to breakage. From scratches to unhinged doors, you will see it all. An easy solution is to hire a company offering home repair services. Their contracts are annual and they will come in to repair all of your products as need be.

A dog is the most loyal and precious gift ever given to you. It loves you every single day. It is only fair that you devise tactics to clean up the mess fast so that you can spend more and more time with him/her.



Deep cleaning services in Delhi, Noida and Gurgaon

How To Make Sure Your Office Doesn’t Drive Your Client Away

A client will judge you on everything from how you talk to how to clean the couch he sits on is. You can be excellent at what you do and still lose customers due to minute details. One of those minute details can be the impression your office leaves on a person. May it be a two-room office or a two hundred-cubicle one, it will definitely leave an impression. From raising productivity to impressing clients, a clean office does more than you realize. Deep cleaning services are a must to make sure you leave a remarkable impression on your clients. Below is a checklist of what to change and clean before your big meeting.


Not only does a dirty carpet spread infections but it can also spoil the whole look of your work area. Carpet cleaning services suggest that one must get their carpets vacuumed at least once a month and cleaned every day. It definitely will change the whole appearance of your office.


A clean and hygienic washroom is a basic necessity. Keeping your washroom clean can be a task because of the number of employees using it. Regular cleaning using a disinfectant is a must, along with enforcing rules for your employees from day one.


A clumsy desk with messy files will make your client doubt your confidence and capability. One must make sure to have a clean and well-dusted desk. A trick suggested by experts from office cleaning services is to keep a tray on top. It will let you have your share of knick-knacks right in front of you, and will always give a clean look.


While you may think that a dirty window has nothing to do with your work, it will spoil the look of your office. It will distract your client from all the other wonderful things inside. Keep in mind that one never knows what can count for a first impression.


Last but definitely not the least. Make sure that the seating for your client is clean and odour free. A comfortable and clean chair can and will do wonders. A chair is the most important part of every room in your office; from the conference room to your personal office, a clean chair will make an impact.

The first impression is the last impression. You must make sure that your office is taken care of and cleaned regularly. Luckily, professional cleaning services are easily available today across Delhi, Noida and Gurgaon with Dirtsmash. They are experts who know what counts and are very through with every job they perform. Get your space deep cleaning across Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida

house cleaning services and home cleaning services

House Cleaning Services Makes People Lives Happier

Keeping your home always clean and tidy by yourself is a very stressful and hectic task, especially when you are a working professional. Being an individual with busy working lifestyle, you don’t get much of a free time to carry out ordinary tasks like house cleaning and stuff. Thus, it is always a good idea to avail professional house cleaning services. There are plenty of benefits of availing cleaning services; some of these are as follows-

Perfectly suitable for busy professionals

Home cleaning services are mostly hired by the people who are extremely busy and, don’t get time to clean their home. If you are also someone who is trying to balance your home as well as work then you should immediately go for house cleaning services.

Ensures regular cleaning

A professional house cleaning service provider makes sure that you get a clean and healthy home to relax in when you come back after a tiring day.

You get time to do other stuff

Want to go out for a stroll with the kids? Have been meaning to just lie in bed and relax? How about going for that facial you have been putting in the back burner? All these relaxing activities do not need to be compromised with when you have the comfort of calling home cleaning services. Spend your time however you want. House cleaning services will take care of giving your home the shine you want.

Expert assistance

For a better hygiene and clean appearance of the house, you need professional help. To fulfil both the requirements expert assistance of house cleaners is important.

They use quality products and equipment

Professional housekeeping services always use top quality cleaning products, which in turn gives you better and safe living environment. With professional house cleaners, you can rest assured that you will get services exceeding your expectations.

It’s important to keep the house clean and tidy not just because of the look and feel of it but it is advantageous for health as well.

Dirtsmash provides deep house cleaning services and housekeeping services

The Impact of a Deep House Cleaning Services

Deep house cleaning services consist of experts that clean nook and corner so that you can pay attention to much more important things. Psychologists have found that clutter and cleanliness have an impact on everyone, including children. These effects are more than one could have imagined. Starting the focus on hyperactivity, cleanliness is important in every manner. Here are a few impacts that deep cleaning your house can make.

Attention and productivity

There is a direct correlation between a clean home environment and productivity. One may get back from work to find a pending assignment, but why is it so much tougher to concentrate at home? Psychologists say that looking at clutter or even having a feeling of dust on our feet is enough to distract our unconscious mind.  As millennial we have grown up in a period that can only be referred to as an information boost


This is something that is often seen in kids who are used to clutter. Many pre schoolteachers also suggest that a child should only have numbered toys as well as a clean open space to help curb hyperactivity. This is also true for adults, as most of us will run to do one thing one after the other when surrounded by a mess.


We find ourselves searching “deep cleaning house on Google on a Sunday, hoping that a miracle hack will show up. Having a clean environment at home will help you relax on your days off. It will also help you have a clean subconscious mind, which will calm you down for sure!


Having everything around your room clean and sparkling can actually reduce a lot of tension you didn’t know you had. You may find yourself having to close all drawers before you sleep, which is because looking at a clutter-filled drawer will give you anxiety. According to psychologists, a clean environment is calming and helps you sleep better and relax more.

Housekeeping services in Delhi are the masters when it comes to deep cleaning any and all parts of your house. Looking at the impact one realises how important it is to be at peace with how your home looks and feels. A clean home not only impacts a person psychologically but also prevents infections and diseases.



Spring Cleaning Services

Keep Your House Sparkling With Housekeeping Services

Every week on your weekend you spend hours to clean your house, tidying it up from the week-old dust and mess. However, sometimes that’s still not enough. The place still looks and feels grubby to you making you feel restless. One way you can address this problem is to hire a professional housekeeper.

Due to the hectic schedule and other priorities, often house cleaning is not possible. Having cleaning services eases your worry here. There are a number of housekeeping services in Delhi. These home cleaning companies come and thoroughly clean your place. They use special products and equipment which tackle the dirt and mess leaving your abode to look clean, fresh and like home again.

Here are a few points that tell you how housekeeping services help you keep your house sparkling.

Call a House cleaner

House Cleaners specialise in cleaning your house such as vacuuming the floor, cleaning of kitchen and the bathroom, changing the linens and also emptying out your garbage bins. They also do a variety of other chores during the service, depending on your request. Many people also prefer getting an exclusive cleaning done, such as rug cleaning. Carpet cleaning services; as the name suggests exclusively clean the carpets, making them look absolutely clean. This type of cleaning usually includes steam expensive cleaning machines to make your rugs and carpet look new.

Go for a deep cleaning house

One must definitely go for a deep cleaning of the house, every few months. Spring cleaning services often help in getting a complete cleaning of the house. They cover most of the tasks that are usually taken care of by home services, with an addition to cleaning your door and walls, windows, kitchen cupboards and much more.

The best part of having a house cleaning service is that they save you a lot of time, effort, and also, all this is done at your comfort where you can choose your preferred time and availability. It is smart to book a housekeeping service for cleaning your house every once in for a while to ensure the property is clean for a long time.

house cleaning services home cleaning services housekeeping

Why Do You Need House Cleaning Services

House cleaning services are easily available nowadays and are an excellent quality solution for the people who struggle to find the time to clean their home on a regular basis. Getting the house clean can be a headache for people who juggle between family, work life, hectic schedule, other chores, and commitments.

With the easy availability of home cleaning services, you don’t have to worry about one bit of the fact that you have no time to clean the house all by yourself. Now you can easily hire someone who can clean your house, once, twice or as many times you find it necessary at your own convenience.

Here are a few brilliant reasons for why you need domestic cleaning services. Read more!

Major Priorities 

With a fast-paced lifestyle and a busy schedule, it is almost impossible to keep the house clean at all times. Juggling between family priorities and work life, affording to spend time behind cleaning the home well and tidy has become the last thing to do for working people. On top of that, finding the people who can do it to your standards of housekeeping is a bigger headache.

Domestic cleaning 

In the age of the Internet, now everything is quick and easy. Domestic cleaning services are in rage these days, and it is easily available with just a click away. Cleaning services are very important for people who simply don’t want their house dirty and cluttered. The best part of having cleaning services is that they just offer whatever services you desire. It could be as little as something like cleaning your wine-stained carpet or cleaning the entire house.

If you are a person who finds it difficult to keep your sweet home tidy and organised, then you can simply ask for professional help from people who would come to your doorstep in just one call. Let the cleaning experts take away your stress.

office cleaning services deep cleaning services office cleaning services

Everyone Wants a Neat Home But Nobody Wants To Clean

Life has gotten busy and in the constant war to reach the office, meet deadlines, cook, and squeeze out some time to relax and enjoy, what is left out is cleaning the house. At such investing in deep cleaning services that take care of house cleaning, while you kick back and devote some time to your friends and family, is becoming a very sensible thing to do. After all, who wants to do the do the laundry and mop the house on a Sunday?

The business and commercial industries never maintain the cleanliness because they are all rushing to get their work done as soon as possible. In such circumstances, we have one division that makes our surroundings properly maintained and cleaned. This is the sector of office cleaning services. Now you might be thinking that what are the cleaning services?

These are the organisations that aim to make your surroundings clean and tidy. They take hold of all the places and areas no matter whether they are commercial, business or educational institutions. They may also set up the cleanliness requirements depending on your own convenience. One thing should be kept in mind that you should always choose and select the best cleaning services, no matter how expensive it is!

Now the main question that strikes in the mind is that why families need the cleaning services even then they can also hire a maid? Many people are always in the passion to make their house look presentable and sometimes they often find it complicated to carry out these activities and actions even after hiring a maid. In these situations, the cleaning services help in maintaining every nook and corner of the house in a presentable manner.

Well, there is no doubt that maintaining the cleanliness of the house is although a difficult task but many people cannot keep their space groomed all the time and each day. These cleaning services live up to the expectations of the people and fulfil all their needs and want.

Cleaning services have become more of a necessity rather than a luxury. Even in commercial areas, the need for cleaning services has grown more than expected. Keeping the premises of these areas neat and clean all the time has become an impossible task for the in-house maintenance team. Many office cleaning services are active now in many metro cities because of the above reason and can be hired for an efficient work at a reasonable price.



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