A dog is just like a child, it is loved but it is a huge responsibility. One must make sure that their house is free of any hazards. At the same time, you don’t want your dog to take over your house, and spread infections. Here are a few tips on how to keep your home cleaning on point!
Cleaning for the dog
Cleaning for the dog isn’t a tough process but sure is a time consuming one. You must start by making sure that all the food products in your kitchen are the top shelves or in inaccessible places. Moving on from that, one also must make sure that no hazardous objects are on the floor. Housecleaning services in Gurgaon claim that dogs usually get aggressive staying in apartments and thus are more likely to chew on anything they see.
The dog must have a clean and hygienic play and sleep area along with a food bowl that is cleaned every day. An important part most us miss out on is a dog-friendly disinfectant. It is likely that your dog will be licking the floor while it is being cleaned. This makes it extremely important to buy dog-friendly products.
Cleaning for yourself
Problem 1: Dog hair
It is likely that your dog will shed hair all over your home. One easy solution for hair on sofas and mattresses is using a lint roller. The lint roller is easy to use and will gather most of the hair in one go. It is suggested that you get a vacuum cleaner to clean up hair on the floor, as it would be the most through.
Problem 2: Dog Smell
This is the most common problem that comes along with dogs. You feed and shower it regularly but the smell stays in your home. Baking soda is an easy solution for getting rid of the smell. It works for furniture as well as for clothes. You can use baking soda in an air freshener, with detergent or in a sponge. You may also use it along with a dry shampoo for your dog.
Problem 3: Dog urine
You love your dog but you also love your home. There will be times where the dog will pee inside your apartment and you will just have to scrub it off. A tip given by house cleaning services in Delhi is to use a lemon and brown sugar spray. It will get rid of the stain as well as the odour.
Problem 4: Broken items
Having a dog in your home makes it more prone to breakage. From scratches to unhinged doors, you will see it all. An easy solution is to hire a company offering home repair services. Their contracts are annual and they will come in to repair all of your products as need be.
A dog is the most loyal and precious gift ever given to you. It loves you every single day. It is only fair that you devise tactics to clean up the mess fast so that you can spend more and more time with him/her.
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